Submarines in movies

Weaponeers of the deep
Réalisateur : US Navy Année : 1967 Genre :  Educatif
Acteurs : /
Résumé : Le film suit un marin, affecté comme technicien missile Polaris, sur un sous-marin nucléaire américain.

Points particuliers : missile Polaris A3, simulateurs, tour de plongée, tir de missile

Sous-marin(s) visible(s) :
USS Lewis and Clark SSBN-644 [Benjamin Franklin-class]
USS Corporal SS-346 [Balao-class + Guppy III]
USS Clamagore SS-343 [Balao-class + Guppy III]
[Type D Kō-hyōteki-class / Kōryū class] (vue découpée)
Niveau d'intérêt :   Torpilles lancées : 0
Weaponers of the deep
Weaponers of the deep
Periscope Film LLC archive

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep

Weaponers of the deep