Submarines in movies

Publicités, Spots TV

Aiello Home Services (2013)
Amorana - kein U-Boot (2020)
Atlantis Submarines (2010)
Australian National Maritime Museum - "Action Stations" (2015)
Bacardi Lemon (2009)
Bingo (2014)
Budweiser (2000)
California Milk Processor Board (2013)
Carte d'Or (1991)
Citroën Visa GTI (1986)
Citroën C2 Slalom (2006)
Coca Cola (2013)
Condor Pipe Tobacco (1985)
Cosmofon (1986)
DirecTV (2010)
Dommelsch (2007)
Elisa Eesti (2016)
E-Lites Online (2017)
EMS Russian Post (2013)
Esurance (2016)
Final Mission – USS Tang submarine experience (2013)
Flying submarine toy (1972)
Fram (2006)
Genertel & Europe Assistance (2013)
Glocalnet (2006)
GMC Sierra (2015)
Go Navy, Beat Army (2010)
Hansaplast (1997)
Intex (?)
Kärcher (2017)
Kellogg's (1970's)
KFC "Colonel Sanders" (2018)
Lego (2007)
Letgo (2017)
MacPaw - We make useful unboring! (2019)
McDonalds (2014)
Majorette Sub Marine (?)
Marinela (2017)
Marine Nationale (2006)
Marine Nationale (2009)
Marine Nationale (2012)
Marine Nationale (2015)
Marine Nationale "Ensemble nous sommes marins" (2018)
Marine Nationale "Plongez au coeur de la mission d'un sous-marin" (2018)
Molson Grand Nord (1995)
Nesquik (2017)
Netwick (1983)
NetZero: Russian Submarine (2014)
Novahistex (2013)
Pannon (2008)
Play Station : Sub Rebellion (2012)
PlayStation - "Play Has No Limits" (2020)
Public Health (1998)
Réno-Dépôt (2010)
Royal Australian Navy (1988)
Royal Australian Navy (2012)
Royal Canadian Navy - United States Navy "Partners at sea" (2015)
Royal Canadian Navy "The unseen hand" (2016)
Royal Navy - "Navy Submariners" (2012)
Royal Navy - Life without limits (2013)
San Miguel (2012)
SaraFree (2018)
Sava (2002)
Simplus (2009)
Site maritime de la Pointe-au-Père (2011)
Site maritime de la Pointe-au-Père (2016)
SPDR (2010)
Specsavers (2010)
Square Yards (?)
State Street Global Advisors (2011)
Submerged - VBS (2016)
Subway (2007)
Super Settimana (2015)
The little explorer (2016)
The Sub - Perfect Escape (2017)
TIM - "Con TIM è bello avere tutto" (2017)
Toronto Zoo (2008)
Toys"R"Us (2007)
Tumix (2013)
TV licence (1991)
Twisted Tea - Submarine (2020)
U-Boot 96 (2014 ?)
US Navy (1978)
US Navy The Silent Service (2015)
US Navy Submarine Torpedo Facility (2010)
Viking Line (1999)
Volkswagen Shark Week (2013)
Wales v France (2016)
Weetabix (2020)
Yelli - Submarine (?)

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